What Happens After IUI Day by Day?

IUI, an advanced reproductive method, helps infertile couples to conceive a child. After IVF, IUI is a common and famous technique to get pregnant when the natural way of conceiving doesn’t work.

IUI is pretty much like an IVF procedure and includes almost the exact steps. However, unlike manually fertilizing an egg and sperm in a lab, the semen is implanted/injected directly into the uterine cavity during IUI.

After an IUI procedure, it is only after two weeks that a couple can take a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy. During this wait time, there are a lot of questions and queries that we will answer today.

Keep reading this blog till the end to understand what happens after IUI day by day.

IUI (Intrauterine insemination): an Overview

According to a WHO report, 48 million couples face infertility around the globe. On one end, some couples give up on their hope of becoming parents, while others meet a fertility expert to explore their options.

In such cases, doctors recommend procedures like IVF, IUI, ICSI, IMSI, etc., based on the couple’s fertility issues. Out of all these treatment options, the second common procedure after IVF is IUI, which a doctor mostly recommends when the problem is male-related.

But what is IUI, and what are the steps involved?

IUI, which stands for Intrauterine insemination, is an advanced reproductive technique (ART) that helps increase pregnancy chances. 

This procedure is done when a woman is ovulating, as it is the time when she is the most fertile. If the ovulation cycle is unknown, some tests are done to track the ovulation days.

The procedure of IUI involves some of the steps that can be grouped in the following two:

  1. Ovulation Induction: Injecting hormones or taking medications to stimulate egg development in ovaries.
  2. Sperm Insemination: After the semen sample is collected from men, it is directly inseminated in the uterine cavity to increase pregnancy chances.

The final step, insemination, is a quick procedure that takes only a few minutes. The female partner doesn’t experience pain or discomfort and can return home in half an hour.

Who needs IUI?

IUI could be the best option to conceive when a couple faces infertility issues or has specific requirements. It is the best option in situations like:

  • Women who wish to use donor sperm.
  • In women with endometriosis-related infertility.
  • Unexplained infertility.
  • Male partners with poor semen quality like weak movement, low concentration, etc.
  • Women with ovulation problems, when the number of eggs produced are low.

Things to remember after IUI

As the procedure is quick and doesn’t involve many steps, you will almost feel fine after an IUI treatment. Plus, the process doesn’t include anesthesia or sedation, so you can go to work or do normal routine activities after returning home.

Moreover, you might experience a few symptoms after an IUI procedure, like minor spotting, light cramps, etc. Do not confuse this spotting with the implantation bleeding that occurs seven days after the procedure.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop and you experience severe pain and discomfort, consult your doctor immediately. 

Meanwhile, there are a few things you should remember after an IUI procedure:

  • Don’t take any stress. It can directly affect your health.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in proteins and nutrients.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, fresh juices, etc.
  • Avoid drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes at all costs.
  • Pay attention to your sleep schedule. Take good sleep for at least 7 hours every night.
  • During intrauterine insemination (IUI), you are usually advised not to lie down on your back for at least 15–30 minutes afterwards. This is because lying on your back can cause sperm to leak out of your uterus, reducing your chances of getting pregnant. After some time, the best sleeping position for you is to sleep on your back or side instead of your stomach.
  • Stay physically active. Try walking and avoid any rigorous training.
  • Follow all the instructions mentioned by your healthcare physician. 

Day by Day after IUI

Soon after an IUI procedure, some females might experience light spotting on day 3rd. However, one must not confuse this spotting with implantation bleeding.

After a week (6th-7th Day) of the IUI procedure, the implantation is the next step. As everyone’s body works differently, this time can vary in the case of different female patients. In some females, the implantation might occur in a week, while in others, this can occur 10-11 days after the procedure.

When implantation occurs, you can experience symptoms like spotting and mild cramps after IUI success. However, it is not a compulsion that every woman will face such symptoms.

Next, your doctor will advise a pregnancy test on day 14th, usually two weeks after the procedure. During this time, your blood/ urine will have a concentration of HCG (pregnancy hormone) that a pregnancy kit or an HCG blood test can easily detect.

For better understanding, the following table shows what happens day by day after IUI

Days After IUI Day by Day
Day 1-7 Fertilized eggs may cause mild cramping or spotting as they travel down the fallopian tubes into the uterus.
Day 8-14 You may experience pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, or nausea. These symptoms may also be caused by fertility medications or the IUI procedure itself, so you shouldn’t get overexcited or disappointed by them alone.
Day 14 Pregnancy test. To determine whether you are pregnant, you can take a home pregnancy test or have a blood test at the fertility clinic. If the test is positive, congratulations! In the case of a negative test, your doctor might suggest you wait a few days and retest or discuss other fertility treatment options.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms after IUI

As soon as the blastocyst attaches itself to the uterine walls, implantation occurs, and it can be good news. During this time, different women experience different symptoms. If you experience the following symptoms, there are high chances of a successful IUI procedure. These pregnancy symptoms include:

  • Implantation Bleeding (within two weeks of the process)
  • Skipped periods
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Tender breasts
  • Food cravings
  • Constipation
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Exhaustion, etc.

One thing here to remember is that not all women experience all these symptoms. Even if you face no symptoms, there are still chances of pregnancy that only a pregnancy test/HCG blood test can confirm.

Pregnancy Test after IUI

After approximately two weeks of the IUI procedure, you can take a pregnancy test. It can be through a home pregnancy test kit or an HCG test that detects pregnancy hormones in your blood. 

Sometimes, a pregnancy test kit can give false positive results. You will have to consult a doctor, do a blood test, and confirm your pregnancy in such cases.

Remember, no matter what the result is, don’t lose hope. You can always go for another cycle and become a parent.

Cramping After IUI: Is It Normal?

A woman may feel cramped after IUI, which is very common. However, there is a chance that it will become severe and unbearable, which is cause for concern. Learn about the possible causes of such cramps:

  1. During intrauterine insemination, sperm are injected into the uterus through a catheter. It is possible to experience mild pain and cramping when the catheter passes through the cervix. After you pull out the catheter after IUI, cramping will go away naturally.
  2. If your reproductive system is infected by the catheter, you may also experience cramps. If you are experiencing more cramping after IUI, then definitely consult your doctor.
  3. The ovulation process can also cause abdominal cramps after IUI. You may experience ovulation pain or cramps if you are taking multiple follicle medications, which are usually taken to induce ovulation.
  4. The major reason for cramping after IUI is implantation. If you’re trying to conceive, implantation cramps could be a sign that you’ve become pregnant. As a result, implantation cramps are a sign of a successful IUI. Yet, you should wait to get the pregnancy report to be sure whether you are pregnant or not. If you suffer from cramps, consult your doctor so that the cause can be narrowed down.

Possible side effects of IUI Procedure

As IUI treatment involves ovulation stimulation and hormone medications, some IUI side effects are possible. However, such side effects are mild, and not all women report them. Moreover, to stay informed, you should know about these side effects that include:

  • Tender breasts
  • Painful or swollen ovaries
  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Pelvic discomfort
  • Rash or swelling around the injection site.

These symptoms are mostly mild and will go away on their own. 

However, if you experience any of these symptoms that become severe and persist for a long time, consult your doctor immediately.

Remember, don’t confuse the side effects of IUI with initial pregnancy symptoms. The side effects occur just after the IUI procedure, i.e., the first week or less. However, you will probably experience pregnancy symptoms in the second week.

Success rate of IUI

After knowing all the things about IUI, there is one thing that everyone should know; the success rate of IUI. This success rate depends upon various factors like the patient’s age, infertility issue, type of treatment, etc.

On average, the success rate of IUI is around 15-20%. This percentage decreases with the increased age of couples and comes down to 10%. Moreover, there is no way to promise or achieve 80-90% success with an IUI cycle.

On your part, there are some keys to successful IVF you can note down:

  1. Choose the best fertility clinic and an experienced surgeon.
  2. Get all your queries cleared before starting the procedure.
  3. You can take medications to stimulate egg development in cases with low AMH (ovarian reserve).
  4. Washing a semen sample properly and choosing the best set of quality sperms for IUI increases your pregnancy chances.
  5. Also, take care of yourself, eat healthy, avoid stress, rest, etc.

Keys to a Successful IUI

Take medicine:

It is recommended that you take letrozole and clomiphene citrate (Clomid) five days before your menstrual cycle to increase egg recruitment and optimise hormones in the luteal phase. These medicines are suggested by the doctor only, do not take them without consulting the doctor.

Monitor with ultrasound: 

Monitoring your cycle with ultrasound is one way to keep track of time during conception. Ovulation predictor kits are much less expensive than ultrasounds and work for you. The ultrasound helps make sure there are three mature eggs in the follicle and also helps us detect small issues at the beginning of the cycle.

Take a trigger shot: 

A trigger shot, such as HCG, kicks off your ovulation cycle, allowing you to conceive at the optimal time. According to a Healthline article, the pregnancy rate with IUI and no trigger shot was 5.8 percent. In the case of the trigger shot, that rate rises to 18.2 percent.

Start exercising: 

Moderate exercise is recommended. For IUI to be more successful, ask your doctor what exercises to do.

Quit smoking: 

Researchers have found that women who smoke require higher doses of gonadotropin to stimulate their ovaries. It will affect the success of your IUI, so it is better for you to quit smoking.

Think positive and eat healthily:

 A healthy diet always benefits your body; therefore, you should pay attention to your diet and think positively, which won’t affect your success rate but will help you believe.

Keep stress and anxiety at bay: As a final note, managing your anxiety and stress will also benefit your IUI treatment.


IUI is a boon for infertile couples that can’t conceive through natural ways. It is an advanced procedure where an expert doctor inserts semen directly into the uterine cavity to raise conception chances.

Undoubtedly, IUI has helped many couples fulfill their dreams of parenthood. However, not every cycle results in pregnancy, and that is okay. The best you can do is to stay informed, track your IUI day-by-day cycle, stay healthy and take rest. 

Lastly, remember not to lose hope. You can always go for another cycle to complete your family.


  • How Long After IUI Does Sperm Meet Egg?

After an IUI treatment, fertilization takes one to two days. It may take 30 to 45 minutes for the sperm to reach the egg after entering the reproductive system. During this time, the sperm will survive in the female reproductive system for 24 to 72 hours and will fertilise the egg.

  • How many hours of sperm live in the uterus after IUI?

In IUI, the washed sperm can survive in the uterus for up to 72 hours.

  • How Soon Can I Do a Pregnancy Test After IUI?

After 14 to 16 days, you can take your pregnancy test under the guidance of your doctor.

  • After IUI How Many Days Should I Get My Period?

A pregnancy test will be conducted after 17 days if the woman has not had her period at that time. The period will start about 9–14 days after insemination if the treatment has been unsuccessful. Make sure you keep in touch with your doctor for more information.

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